Craigmillar Castle Park
Craigmillar Castle Park
This project offers a wide range of community events and volunteering opportunities that foster a greater understanding and appreciation of nature and the wonderful woodlands and parklands of Craigmillar Castle Park.
This project offers a wide range of community events and volunteering opportunities that foster a greater understanding and appreciation of nature and the wonderful woodlands and parklands of Craigmillar Castle Park.
"The ELGT events in Craigmillar Castle Park have been a great way to spend time with my young family – slowing down and connecting to each other and also the environment. These activities and their delivery are a great hook to grab the kids attention and make them notice their environment, get them interested - while being cleverly designed to involve us big kids too - a magical combination. It even works in the torrential rain! A huge well done and thank you." Family festival participant
Funded by: Scottish Forestry, City of Edinburgh Council, Scottish Enterprise, Heritage Lottery Fund
- Extensive thinning within Millennium woodland compartments
- 2097.6 m of existing path upgrades
- 633.6 m of new path in Hawkhill woodland
- Regeneration of Chestnut Avenue, including the planting of 15 sweet chestnut standards
- Regeneration of Yew Tree Walk, including the planting of 15 small yews.
- Installation of 6 Finger Posts
- 127 community engagement activities delivered
- Engaged with 2767 local people
- Delivered Upskilling Project in partnership with Youthbuild and Newbattle Abbey College
- Successful in securing additional funding to deliver specific events and projects
- Delivered John Muir Explorer Award in partnership with Carr Gomm
- Assisted in delivering Junior Ranger Programme with Castleview Primary and the University of Edinburgh
- Craigmillar Walking group in partnership with Connecting Craigmillar and the Thistle Foundation set-up
- Outdoors In with Carr Comm and Sandys Community Centre
- Improved appearance of the park
- Benefits to wildlife and biodiversity
- Foster a greater sense of community pride
- Improved green networks and connectivity
- A visible aesthetic improvement to the landscape
- Greater community engagement with local woodlands and their associated benefits such as an increased value of greenspace and biodiversity
- Increased community participation and cohesion
- Increased opportunities for outdoor activities and healthy living
- Increased number of people using and valuing Craigmillar Castle Park