Craigmillar Castle Park

Craigmillar Castle Park

This project offers a wide range of community events and volunteering opportunities that foster a greater understanding and appreciation of nature and the wonderful woodlands and parklands of Craigmillar Castle Park.

ELGT’s Craigmillar Woodland Engagement Project started in 2016. Our aim is to enable all members of the diverse community of Craigmillar to enjoy the benefits and opportunities that the beautiful woodlands and greenspace of Craigmillar Castle Park provide.  Through the delivery of community events the local community can learn new skills, engage with nature, meet other local residents and have fun.  We work alongside local schools, organisations and community groups to build our vision of a learning community centred around the park.

Public Programme of Events and Activities 

Thank you to everyone who came along to our events in 2024!  It has been a fabulous year in the park.  We are putting the final touches to our Spring 25 programme and it will be here and on our social media soon.  If you have been along to any of our events in 2024 we would love to hear your thoughts.  You can fill out a very short survey by following this link HERE.

We will be running some winter nature walks in partnership with Edinburgh University in Little France Park starting in January.  Dates and times and meeting point to follow soon.

We hope our public programme offers something for everyone.  From magical woodland walks, family forest festivals, nature walks and well being and conservation activities.  You can view our Autumn 24 programme by clicking here.  It has a wide array of wonderful activities that ELGT organise in Craigmillar Castle Park. We have regular themed nature walks, larger community celebration events and conservation and crafts groups.  To find out about events and activities follow our instagram or facebook page.

Magical Woodlands Walks

Hundreds of people have attended our Magical Woodlands walk in Craigmillar Castle Park. The walks are delivered by Rowanbank Environmental and Arts Education which aims to entertain, inform and educate children about environmental issues colourful stories with trapeze, song, dance and storytelling.


We’ve been inundated with feedback from happy parents whose children haven’t stopped talking about it. One parent said: “You guys were totally incredible today. What an amazing, memorable and special event this was. My three year old was utterly captivated.

Other parents added: “I just wanted to say thank you for this event. My two kids had a great time, they loved it and have been creating potions from berries and leaves ever since. Some of which I’ve had to drink too! We hadn’t actually been to Craigmillar castle before, despite living near by – so will definitely go back.”

“Incredible spectacle today. My 3 year old daughter and 5 year old niece were captivated. I had to pretty much drag then away from the castle and the woods at the end because they wanted to just keep retelling and adding to the story. Amazing job. Thank you!”

Guided Walks and Workshops

We host regular guided walks on different themes in nature.  So far this year we have looked at birds, trees, moss, fungi, pollinators and bats.

We work with a fabulous group of naturalists and educators to bring engaging and expert knowledge to the wildlife of our amazing park.  Including Aisling Murphy, Graeme Wilson ecologist, Herbal Scotland, Floramedica, Edinburgh Natural Heritage Society and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

Family Forest Festivals

During the holidays we hold Family Forest Festivals.  


Past Programmes







Outdoor Learning 

We have been working with three local primary schools in the area.  We deliver weekly outdoor learning session for St. Francis Primary School and Niddrie Mill PS.  The sessions focus on engaging the children in a sensory way with the park, we use crafts and games to learn about the different plants and creatures that live in the park.   We work on collaborative programmes with Castleview.

Last year with Niddriemill students we created an audio trail.  They shared their experiences of the woodland to create a trail that can take you to some of their favourite places in the woods.  You can find out more about the trail here.   We want to build a fully inclusive learning community centred around the park.



We work in partnership with Action For Children delivering a programme of woodland skills to the participants of the Youth Build scheme which supports young people into work.  These groups make a huge contribution to the maintenance of wildlife habitats within the park.  Jobs have included the creation of a new forest play area, woodland thinning, path clearance, removal of invasive species of snowberry and laurel, hedge creation and maintenance, bird box installation and establishing the orchard and wetland area in Little France Park.


Community Groups

We work with local groups to support their use of the park and to bring our knowledge and enthusiasm for the wildlife of the park to their members.  Groups that we work with includes Sandy’s Community Centre, Thistle Foundation, Bridgend Farmhouse, Carr Gomm, Craigmillar Library, Turning Point Scotland, Dads Work, Play Rangers, University of Edinburgh, Connecting Craigmillar, Historic Environment Scotland, Archelogy Scotland, the Craigmillar Neighbourhood Alliance, the City of Edinburgh Council Natural Heritage Service, Creative Artworks, Trees for Cities, SAMH, Peregrines (Tiphereth), Operation Play Outdoors, Butterfly Conservation Scotland, Art Walk Porty, Craigmillar Now, Green Team, Rowanbank Arts and Environment, Art Walks and  Venture Trust Scotland.  If you are part of a local group and would like support to use and enjoy the park then please get in touch

Winner of Scotland Finest Woods Awards

We were delighted to win Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards for the large community woodland award.  Douglas Worrall, one of the judges, said: “Craigmillar Castle Park is an excellent example of an urban woodland primarily managed for the benefit of the local community, with excellent links to local nurseries, schools, community groups and local social enterprises.”

Judges also said: “The woodland’s primary purpose is to provide an attractive, safe woodland greenspace for the benefit of the local community and has been well maintained as well as developed since it was planted just over 20 years ago.

Woodland Films

We have created information videos that show you what you can discover at your local greenspace. They are a fun way to involve kids and the rest of the family in nature activities.

Watch our videos and see what you can find by exploring your local greenspace.

In the Foraging Video we show you what interesting things you forage in your local greenspace.

In the Shelter Video we show you how you can make a shelter from the material you can find in your local greenspace.

In the Smelly Cocktail Video we show you how you can make your own Smelly Cocktails.

We also have a film which talks about the work we do and how it benefits the local community.


"The ELGT events in Craigmillar Castle Park have been a great way to spend time with my young family – slowing down and connecting to each other and also the environment. These activities and their delivery are a great hook to grab the kids attention and make them notice their environment, get them interested - while being cleverly designed to involve us big kids too - a magical combination. It even works in the torrential rain! A huge well done and thank you." Family festival participant

Funded by: Scottish Forestry, City of Edinburgh Council, Scottish Enterprise, Heritage Lottery Fund


  • Extensive thinning within Millennium woodland compartments
  • 2097.6 m of existing path upgrades
  • 633.6 m of new path in Hawkhill woodland
  • Regeneration of Chestnut Avenue, including the planting of 15 sweet chestnut standards
  • Regeneration of Yew Tree Walk, including the planting of 15 small yews.
  • Installation of 6 Finger Posts
  • 127 community engagement activities delivered
  • Engaged with 2767 local people
  • Delivered Upskilling Project in partnership with Youthbuild and Newbattle Abbey College
  • Successful in securing additional funding to deliver specific events and projects
  • Delivered John Muir Explorer Award in partnership with Carr Gomm
  • Assisted in delivering Junior Ranger Programme with Castleview Primary and the University of Edinburgh
  • Craigmillar Walking group in partnership with Connecting Craigmillar and the Thistle Foundation set-up
  • Outdoors In with Carr Comm and Sandys Community Centre


  • Improved appearance of the park
  • Benefits to wildlife and biodiversity
  • Foster a greater sense of community pride
  • Improved green networks and connectivity
  • A visible aesthetic improvement to the landscape
  • Greater community engagement with local woodlands and their associated benefits such as an increased value of greenspace and biodiversity
  • Increased community participation and cohesion
  • Increased opportunities for outdoor activities and healthy living
  • Increased number of people using and valuing Craigmillar Castle Park