Tree Time
Tree Time
Tree replacement initiative to help make Edinburgh & the Lothians greener

The Tree Time Initiative aims to replace trees that have been lost over the last couple of decades. There is currently an annual net loss of trees in the region which will have an impact on the landscape in years to come.
The initiative enables people to donate towards the replacement of trees with a focus on street trees. ELGT have been working in partnership with City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian Councils and the Woodland Trust to develop a range of packages that people can donate to. The different levels of donations range from a suggested £20 donation which will go towards the replanting activity up to £2000 which will enable a new street tree to be planted. There is a list of trees that can be adopted where people can dedicate it to a loved one which is recognised through a plaque and an online journal. Every donation is acknowledged by a certificate.
The Tree Time website enables members of the public to donate online. There is a campaign that runs alongside this to raise awareness of the need to replace trees that have been lost. It aims to galvanise support for tree planting in the region to maintain and improve the treescape of the area which are integral to helping make it a great place to live, work and visit.
Following donations that had been received, the first tree planting was undertaken in February 2020 which involved replanting 43 trees across Edinburgh. The first tree to go in was planted by ELGT Chair Dr Kate Broughton and Cllr Donald Wilson in Stevenson Drive by Saughton Park. Trees were also planted at Lutton Place in Causewayside and Boswall Avenue in Wardie.
The initiative has been expanded to West and East Lothian.
"I’ve found it very rewarding to know that my money is going to be helping future generations and that in itself is a really worthwhile investment, I also love tree’s and making Edinburgh greener is a no brainer -so I thought why not?”
Funded by: Mushroom Trust, City of Edinburgh Council, West Lothian Council, East Lothian Council, The Woodland Trust
- Identified trees for adoption
- Identified sites for memorial trees
- Identified locations for street tree replacement
- Developed Tree Time Website
- Production of a certificate of donation
- Enable a online dedication journal
- Developed marketing & communication plans
- Produced range of marketing materials including postcards, leaflets and tree labels.
- Increase awareness of loss of trees
- Raise the profile of the initiative
- Enable people to donate to replace trees
- Plant up more trees