Wellbeing Activities for Young People

Wellbeing Activities for Young People

Health and wellbeing programmes for young people

ELGT has developed collaborative partnerships to help tackle the increasing need to support the mental health of young people and their families through programmes of outdoor activities.

Southeast Partnership

The SE collaboration involves working with Canongate Youth (CY), Edinburgh Old Town Trust (EOTT) and U-evolve.

Working in collaboration we co-produced a holistic and inclusive wellbeing service for CYP aged 5 – 24 years within the South East Locality, in particular the areas within the catchment of James Gillespies and Boroughmuir High School.

We aim to provide accessible safe spaces within the area and opportunities for CYP to connect with nature, experience new things, and get outdoors as a means of supporting good mental health and building resilience. We involve children and young people in all aspects of service design, delivery, and evaluation.

There is a focus on outdoor activities, nature and exploring as one of our key tools for supporting wellbeing. We use a range of outdoor spaces as much as possible to facilitate both individual and groupwork sessions. We provide and develop physical activity outdoors as well as conservation and environmental projects. Outdoor spaces we have access to include, Holyrood Park, Inch Park, Dunbars Close, Ellens Glen Woods, Dumbiedykes park and Moredun greenspace.

P7 James Gillespie’s High School transition activities at Holyrood Park

ASCUS Partnership

ELGT teamed up with ASCUS Art & Science which is a non-profit organisation with values in topics of health, climate and the environment. They developed the Unearthing Microlife programme which promotes learning through different disciplines (art, science and outdoor exploration) and in unique ways that might not be possible in the normal classroom setting. To find out more see here

Unearthing Micro Life is designed for teens who may be socially isolated or find traditional learning environments challenging. The aim is to enable participants to engage creatively with their local greenspaces through outdoor interaction and sample collection, supported by hands-on experimentation in ASCUS Lab by looking at these samples under a microscope, learning about microbiology, DNA and scientific techniques. The programme involves the delivery of half day sessions with groups of 8-10 young people.

Holyrood Park


Funded by: Community Mental Health Fund


  • Outdoor science activities with young people
  • Outdoor environmental arts – opportunities for unstructured creative activities
  • Woodland Activities. These are delivered in local woodlands and involves a range of activities including tree I.D., green exercise, and relaxation.


  • Improve knowledge of the local environment
  • Improved lifelong resilience for young people
  • Help reduce anger and bring focus for young people
  • Increase confidence for young people
  • Restore mental health and positive mood for young people
  • Improve stamina and levels of physical activity for young people
  • Improved perception of neighbourhood and sense of place
  • Improved mental health and emotional wellbeing of young people
  • Increased capacity of carers in supporting the emotional needs of their young people