Community Mental Health Activities

Community Mental Health Activities

Outdoor programme to encourage older people to explore greenspaces to help them improve their health, wellbeing and to reduce isolation

The project aims to help improve mental health for isolated older people and their carers based in Northeast and Southeast Edinburgh. Delivering half day taster sessions for participants to try out a range of activities. We work with specialist sessional workers to deliver special one-off activities. The activities are run in different greenspaces that are safe and secure ensuring the participants feel comfortable. We also provide refreshments and any transport required to get the participants to the suitable sites.

Trip to Holyrood Park




Funded by: Community Mental Health Fund


  • 20 sessions in North East and South East Edinburgh
  • Each session is run with groups of approximately 14 people


  • Improve mental health
  • Reduce isolation
  • Encourages the participants to gain new friendships
  • Increase levels of activity