David Parry (Independent)

David Parry (Independent)


David Parry

David has a CIPR Diploma and is a communications expert with extensive experience in high-profile organisations.

Previously worked for Scottish Water and Nationwide Building Society involved with Corporate and Social Responsibility. Professionally involved in developing key partnerships with charities and worked with them to deliver their initiatives and involve employees in their activities.

Worked with CHAS to develop a launch event for their payroll giving campaign and contributed to a sponsorship and fundraising approach with Sporting Futures through their Derby 10k fun run.

More recently, volunteered strategic support to the Bethany Christian Trust, New Caledonian Woodlands, The Coigach Community Council and lately, MND Scotland.

As a city dweller, is a keen cyclist and father to a young child with a keen interest in development of green spaces, active travel and their promotion.