Westburn Woods Greenspace Improvement

Westburn Woods Greenspace Improvement

Improved management and use of local woodlands

We are in the process of creating a Management Plan for Westburn Woods near Wester Hailes, a site open to the public and owned by Prospect Community Housing. It is a small woodland set within an urban environment and highly valued by sections of the local community.

The aim of the plan is to bring the Woods back into positive management for the benefit of wildlife and the community. To help deliver this, we will be carrying out woodland activities on-site with local volunteers over the autumn/winter months, such as bulb planting and path management. To find our more about the project contact esperanza@elgt.org.uk

Conservation activities

It was great to see local volunteers helping to clear invasive species in the woods. This will help improve access to the woods and make it more inviting.






Community events

We ran bat walks with a bat specialist so that people can learn more about the local wildlife that live in the woods and have a greater appreciate of the local nature.







Funded by: Prospect Housing, Mushroom Trust, City of Edinburgh Council


  • Community engagement activities
  • Access improvement works
  • Conservation activities


  • Improved appearance of the woods
  • Benefits to wildlife and biodiversity
  • Foster a greater sense of community pride
  • Improved green networks and connectivity
  • Improved opportunities for better health and wellbeing
  • A visible aesthetic improvement to the landscape